Definitely De Pere is a community-driven organization; all of our events, projects, and success stories depend on volunteers from De Pere’sbusiness and residential community.You can get involved volunteering for our events or serving on a committee with varying focuses and projects associated with them.
Designplays a key role in shaping the physical image of downtown. Projects include streetscape, public art, facade rehabilitations, design review for future construction projects, signage consultation, and more.If you have an interest in historic preservation, architecture, and public improvements, this focus area is the place for you.
The Economic Enhancement Committee seeks to recruit new businesses to downtown De Pere and retain existing businesses. This committeeworks to identify new market opportunities for the district, find new uses for historic commercial buildings, and stimulate investment in property.If you are interested in economic development, planning, business services, finance, or market research, this committee is perfect for you.
Promotions identifies downtown as a center for commerce, culture and community life for residents and visitors alike through marketing and events. Work groups plan and coordinate all of Definitely De Pere’s seasonal events and tell the De Pere story to the surrounding region.If you are interested in event planning, marketing, public relations, bringing new events to De Pere, or tourism, this focus area will draw your interest.
Events bring people together and make them feel connected, draw visitors from the surrounding region, and generate economic activity. Let us know if you are interested in volunteering for one of our special events including Farmers Market, Food Truck Rally, Art Walk, Yoga in the Park, Downtown Trick or Treat, or De Pere Holly Day.
Beautification increases the quality of life for all community members and promotes civic pride throughout De Pere. The De Pere Beautification Committee is instrumental in making our city a charming place that people enjoy and like to visit. Help plant flower beds and pots in the spring, weed during the growing months, and decorate planters for the holidays. Become a Volunteer!
Would you like to learn more? Contact us!